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"If you want to survive an economic collapse, a Civil War,

or an EMP and other major disasters, all you need to do is learn from the only people who would hardly even notice them."

The Amish live in a world without electricity and running water…without supermarkets, pharmacies, and many other modern necessities that would vanish for us in a collapse.

For the first time ever, you can find all their life-saving secrets inside a unique book called The Amish Ways.

Below, you’ll find some of the things that are waiting for you inside the book like the Amish Fridge That Needs no Electricity, Amish Ibuprofen, Why You Should Paint Your House Red, What Item an Amish Would Never Store in Their Pantry But You Probably Do, How to Make Long-lasting Bread in a Jar, or An Ingenious Amish AC, just to name a few!

About the Author

Eddie Swartzentruber was born and raised in one of the strictest Old Order Amish communities.

For the Swartzentrubers, riding in cars is prohibited, except in a medical emergency. They avoid the use of electricity and indoor plumbing altogether. Many other common devices and technologies you take for granted are also disallowed for being deemed too worldly, including stuff like Velcro or bicycles.

But that does not mean this community hasn’t found and invented new ways of doing things. Before leaving the community, Eddie had the unique opportunity to witness all of these first-hand, learning the projects and skills that make the Amish self-sufficient and prepared for any crisis that will hit America.

Eddie married a beautiful woman and built a life for himself in the outside world, but he never forgot what he’d experienced during his “Amish Years”.

And seeing how soft and dependent the rest of the world has become, he’s decided to share these Amish secrets for the first time ever.

Here are just some of the survival secrets and skills

you’ll discover inside The Amish Ways:

The Small Amish Backyard Root Cellar

You’re going to discover the simple way to build a small Amish root cellar in your own backyard.

You can even make it using a trash can or an old blue barrel you’d normally throw away.

How to Brew Yourself a Batch of Amish Ibuprofen

This is the natural remedy they use for headaches, sore muscles, swollen joints, menstrual cramps, toothaches, backaches…any type of pain really.

The best part is that creating this one secret Amish remedy only requires a few common backyard plants and weeds. And my guess is nature probably grows them around your house right now.

The Amish Medicinal Garden

You Should Have in Your Backyard

This will help you create dozens of the powerful remedies that have allowed the Amish to thrive without modern healthcare.

On the day it collapses for the rest of us, you’ll be so grateful to have this natural pharmacy on your property. While sick and desperate people will be willing to trade anything for painkillers or antibiotics, you’ll simply walk out and pick yours off the ground.

DIY Off-Grid Water Filter

Despite being automatic, it needs no electricity. It can trap some harmful chemicals, parasites, bacteria, and other waterborne pathogens inside.

Imagine having a reliable and safe water source that’s independent of utility companies and the grid, just like the Amish.

Amish Survival Hacks that Can Help

You Thrive in a Long-Term Blackout

Here’s just a tiny example: If you live by a stream, you can keep a half-submerged wooden barrel filled with food there. The cold, running water will preserve it just like a fridge. Add a thermometer inside just to make sure.

If you don’t have a stream, a deep backyard well will work just fine. Our grandparents used to preserve buttermilk down in their backyard well in buckets year-round. This trick works for many other foods as well, so you’ll have a naturally refrigerated hidden stash in no time.

How to Handle Money and Barter Like an Amish

Widely known as expert traders, the Amish get what they need from outsiders with very little loss to their own stockpiles. During the 1930s, they were hit just as hard as the other farmers by collapsing grain and livestock prices, but they never once asked for or received a government handout.

Amish farmers, in fact, were so successful at avoiding economic hardship that the government sent its agents to investigate why they were doing so well. You’ll learn everything they uncovered inside The Amish Ways.

Why the Amish Hardly Ever

Have Pest Problems in Their Gardens

It’s all because they still remember something that the rest of the world has forgotten.

This method is completely natural, and besides warding off pests, it will also draw in pollinators and other helpful bugs that will make your garden flourish.

Why You Should Never Store Water in a Blue Barrel

You’ll do well to find out about this before it’s too late.

Then I’ll show you how to keep your water safe long-term using a time-tested Amish method that doesn’t use bleach or pool shock.

How to Keep the Lights On

After the Grid Goes Down, Like the Amish Do

You are going to also discover how to keep the lights on using oil lamps.

A single lamp can run for 258 hours on just one gallon of oil. That means it will outlast any flashlight, and it’s cheaper than anything that runs on batteries.

Forgotten, Long-Lasting Foods

That Don’t Need Refrigeration

Many of these foods have been forgotten with the discovery of electricity but luckily not inside the Amish communities. These foods will be in great need in the next crisis, when most of us will be left without power.

So, if you want to have a blackout-proof food stockpile, instead of purchasing expensive, unhealthy, and nutrient deprived survival foods, wouldn’t you be better off with what our great-grandparents kept in their pantries?

Why the Amish Paint Their Barns Red

(and You Should Probably Do the Same)

You’re also going to see why you should do the same, not only with a barn but also an off-grid home (or a home that’s been disconnected from the grid).

How to Take Care of Your Livestock

When They Are Sick

If you ever see one of your chickens take this position, they’re almost certainly sick, and the first step is rapid isolation so the rest don’t catch whatever they’ve got. Inside The Amish Ways, I’ll give you specific remedies for several common chicken diseases.

But one thing that is generally good and safe is boiling some garlic cloves and onions and giving the water to your sick chicken to drink.

That’s often all it takes to put them back on their feet.

Air-Powered Tools That Can Make You Self-Sufficient

in a World Without Electricity

These tools are powered not by electricity, gas, or propane but by something that costs you nothing.

Why The Amish Keep Eggs Covered in Salt

This forgotten preservation method, which also requires beeswax and olive oil, will keep eggs good for about two years without refrigeration.

The Three Plants You Need

to Make “Amish Amoxicillin

When synthetic antibiotics vanish in a crisis and common infections turn deadly, you can still use this remedy.

One of the three ingredients is this strange-looking lichen that you’ve probably seen hanging from old or dying trees. It’s called Usnea, and herbalists usually make a poultice with it to fight bacterial skin infections.

How to Make a Deep, Penetrating Ointment

for Aching Joints and Sore Muscles

Among many other things, it contains arnica, a common plant that I’m sure you’ve seen before.

They sometimes sell this ointment at Amish stores, but it’s expensive and almost constantly out of stock so it’s better to learn to create your own.

The Amish Cough-Busting Syrup

Take a black radish and cut it in half. Then, using a spoon, carve out one half. The radish will start oozing liquid, and once it does, you need to add two things: honey and a sliced onion.

Put back the other half of the radish, and let it rest for four hours. Pour the mixture in a glass bottle and store inside your fridge. Or your Amish Fridge. Then take a single scoop whenever you have a nagging cough or sore throat.

The Amish Parasite Flush

Do you know how to use this common plant to flush out internal parasites that may be sapping your energy and endangering your health? The plant’s called wormwood, and you may have seen it before. It got its name because it was widely used to kill intestinal worms back in the day.

The remedy we will make from it is called the Amish Parasite Flush. Unfortunately, a lot of people never suspect that an intestinal worm may be behind their low energy, rashes, ravenous appetite, constipation, brain fog, or other medical problems. But once they drink this remedy, their life improves literally overnight.

Canning Amish Poor Man’s Steak

As the name suggests, this long-lasting food is cheap to make, so you can create an entire stockpile for darker days.

It’s also incredibly nutritious and will give you energy, fill your belly and lift your spirit during dark times.

Amish AC Unit

You’ll also learn how to build an Amish AC unit that will cool your house without electricity. This runs on low-pressure condensed air.

As the cold water fed to the sponge evaporates, the fans spread the vapor throughout the room, cooling it. Simple and effective, like a lot of other Amish inventions in the book.

Companion Planting Techniques That Can Help You

Grow Twice as Much Food on the Same Piece of Land

Using this and other techniques from these master gardeners, you can turn any small backyard into a little farm that will provide for your family in times of need.

How to Make an Amish Fridge

That Needs No Electricity

Many Amish recipes are already long-lasting without refrigeration. But there are some foods that would spoil in no time were it not for their Amish fridge.

In a blackout—especially a long-term one—this one Amish invention may end up saving more lives than any other. So, I hope you’ll add one to your own home while there is still time.

How to Forage Like the Amish:

You're Going to Need This in the Next Crisis!

With this book by your side, you’ll also be able to identify medicinal and edible plants like an Amish forager. If you’re ever unsure of a certain herb, weed, or mushroom growing around your house, or a nearby forest, simply compare it to the big color pictures of useful wild plants found inside The Amish Ways.

When a devastating crisis hits the U.S. and there isn’t any food left on supermarket shelves, you and your family can pick up free, nutritious food at nature’s supermarket.

What Amish Would Never Store in Their Pantry,

but Most Americans Do!

You’ll also discover what an Amish would never store in his pantry, but most Americans do.

If you have this item in your stockpile, remove it immediately!

DIY Medical Superglue

That Can Stop Bleeding in Seconds

You’ll also learn about the Amish health secret that might just save your life one day. Once you take this common spice and mix it with water, it turns into a kind of medical superglue that can stop bleeding in seconds.

Just smear it over the wound and cover with a bandage. This is also antiseptic, preventing an infection from taking hold.

How to Make Butter Last Forever

Start by slowly melting butter in a saucepan over low heat. After it separates into milk solids and clear liquid butterfat, you need to strain the butterfat after it’s turned a light golden color.

The secret is to never let it simmer or boil.

What the Amish Ate During the Great Depression

When things got tough for everyone and food was very hard to come by, the Amish still had these nutritious foods to rely on.

They’re super cheap to make and a snap to prepare. The step-by-step recipes are all inside the book, and I bet you already have most of the ingredients in your pantry.

Amish Bread in a Jar

You’ll also discover the bread in a jar recipe the Amish brought with them from Europe.

This bread is not baked in an oven but right inside the jar, so you can easily can it to make it last indefinitely.

Better Than Coffee & Taurine: The Amish Strength Juice

You’ll also find out what Amish homemade energy drink is better than coffee and taurine combined!

This strength juice is the well-guarded secret behind their ability to do physical work well into their senior years.

How to Build a Year-Round Underground Food Garden

Another thing you’ll read about in The Amish Ways is how to build the year-round underground food garden.

Use this unusual, earth-sheltered greenhouse to grow food and medicine year-round—all hidden away from curious neighbors, looters, FEMA and any other unwanted intruders.

The Amish Black Drawing Salve

This remedy is a staple of every Amish apothecary and for good reason! It’s one of the best ways to deal with skin infections, splinters, slivers, boils, warts, pus, bug bites, and bee stings.

Just smear some black salve over the affected area, cover with a bandage or cloth, and then just wait. The nasty stuff will come right out!

DIY Raised Beds with Hoop House

Due to its ingenious design, you’ll never have to worry about using pesticides, critters eating away at your precious crops, or where the irrigation water comes from once the tap runs dry.

The Amish Painkilling Tincture

You’re also going to learn how to make the Amish painkilling tincture using a few common plants that are probably already growing in your own backyard.

The Off-Grid Washing Machine

This ingenious invention will make your life a heck of a lot easier in the case of a major blackout, not only by automatically washing but also drying your clothes without electricity.

Amish Items to Stock Up On

Before the Next Great Depression

These items alone may save your family from starving during a severe economic downturn or collapse.

7 Amish Powers You Should Master

Before the Next Crisis

These special powers make the Amish bullet proof to a collapse of society. And anyone can acquire them with the right guidance and a bit of elbow grease!

Doing so NOW, will put you far ahead of the pack once things turn ugly in America. And this is all still just scratching the surface of the Amish survival knowledge you’re about to keep in your hands, inside this high-quality beautiful physical book.

But for The Amish Ways to save you during dark times, you must get it beforehand. Just like canned foods and other necessities, this book will probably sell out fast as a crisis gets near.

Three Life-Saving Gifts + Life-time Support and Answers to Any Question You May Have

If you decide to get The Amish Ways today, while this page is still up, I’m going to give you three gifts, which won’t be available for much longer. They usually cost $29 each, but you’ll receive them for free.

The first gift you’ll receive is called How to Outlive an EMP the Amish Way. There’s no denying that when it comes to a long-term blackout, the Amish are among the most prepared simply because they don’t rely on complex electronics or electricity like the rest of us do. And you’ll already know a lot about how to survive an EMP by reading The Amish Ways.

But this disaster will bring a unique set of challenges that go far beyond not being able to refrigerate your food. An EMP will spell the end of modern society, and in its aftermath, you’ll need the step-by-step survival plan that this book provides.

It will show you what to do day by day after the collapse as well as how to make your house invisible to looters, how to hide your water reserves and filter water off grid, enhanced security measures, ingenious ways to communicate in a blackout, plus dozens of vital DIY projects like the Amish graywater system or the biomass stove, just to name a few.

The second gift is Anti-Looter Traps That You Should Make on Your Property.

This will show you exactly how to build and install the most effective traps for stopping intruders. You cannot be on guard 24/7. Once you have these in your backyard and around the house, you’ll be able to relax knowing that your family and stockpile are safe even as you sleep. These traps are especially designed for looters trying to break into your home in a crisis when there will be no more 911 to call.

The third gift you’ll receive is called DIY Projects from the 1900s.

The Amish aren’t the only ones to have thrived thanks to ingenious DIY projects that require no electricity. At the beginning of the last century, most of America did not have power. This book will show you the projects our great-grandparents had on their property back then. And most importantly, it will provide exact blueprints and lists of materials needed to build each one on your own property to become more self-sufficient.

You’ll receive all of these guides, worth $87, for FREE.

Think about how much money you pay each month for utilities, food, medicine, and other things that the Amish produce themselves. The average American household has monthly expenses of $6,081. That amounts to $72,972 each year, and this sum adds up year after year.

If you follow The Amish Ways, you will save a good deal of that money. If this Amish knowledge cost you $1,000 to acquire, it would still be a very, very good investment.

But the higher the price, the fewer people that would get their hands on this lifesaving knowledge.

So today you can get The Amish Ways plus How to Outlive an EMP the Amish Way, Anti-Looter Traps That You Should Make on Your Property, and DIY Projects from the 1900s, not for $166 but only $39.

There has never been a book like this.

And nowhere on the Internet can you learn these skills. The Amish don’t have websites, YouTube channels, or any other way to share what they do.

This book is the ONLY way to have Amish resilience and self-sufficiency at your fingertips—from their unique canning and food preservation methods to their kitchen woodstoves and the underfloor water heating system it powers for free. And don’t forget their old-fashioned kerosene lamps that burn clean, ingenious off-grid washing machines, gravity-fed hot showers, and earth-sheltered greenhouses where you can grow hundreds of pounds of extra food that’s hidden from prying eyes. There are hundreds of time-tested Amish secrets inside The Amish Ways, and they will make you self-sufficient on your own property and practically bullet proof to any crisis you can imagine.

We believe so much in the power of The Amish Ways, that it comes with a:

Keep-the-Book Money-Back Guarantee

That’s right. For the next 60 days, if there is anything—and I do mean ANYTHING—that you don’t like about the book (even if it’s just one chapter or a single paragraph or idea), send us a short e-mail, and we’ll refund your $39—no questions asked.

And you can even keep the book as a thank you for giving it a try and as a guide to use for the dark times ahead. It really does not get more risk free than this, so really, you have nothing to lose here and everything to gain, including the three free gifts that are still available…for now. We won’t be able to offer them to everybody.

Also keep in mind that The Amish Ways is a limited-edition book, and from what we’ve seen so far, the demand will soon exceed our modest financial resources and capacity to print it.

The only promise I can make you is that if the buy button below is not yet grayed out, then we still have at least one copy of this life-saving book to send your way. But wait too long or return to this page later and you may find that’s no longer the case.

Why You Should Probably Get “The Amish Ways”

Before Copies Run Out:

You’ll be among the most prepared for the next crisis, whatever it may be!

That’s because the Amish don’t depend on supermarkets, pharmacies, hospitals, cars, computers, phones, or any of the dozens of modern conveniences we take for granted. Most of these things will vanish in the first hours following a disaster. With The Amish Ways, you’ll be able to not only survive the aftermath, but thrive.

  • You’ll grow your own nutritious food hidden from sight and know how to preserve it for years without refrigeration;
  • You’ll source your own remedies from nature’s apothecary instead of fighting vicious thugs for that last box of pills in a devastated pharmacy;
  • You’ll still be able to heat and cool your home and take a hot shower even when the grid is down and not a drop of water is flowing from the tap.

And there are so many more Amish survival knowledge saved inside this unique book that I can’t wait for you to discover and put to good use. If protecting your life and that of your family during hard times is what you’re after, I believe there is no better way than the Amish way.

You’ll be Self-Sufficient on Your Own Terms

The Amish don’t owe anyone a thing, and their lives are squarely in their hands. And while the things they produce can help them survive for years on end, they are also fetching them a very good price right now.

You might be surprised to know that despite their plain way of dressing and humble lifestyle, a lot of Amish are very well off. In an inflationary environment like the one we’re experiencing or a severe economic downturn, which may come soon, this kind of self-sufficient life comes with a lot of benefits attached.

Save Money on Utilities and Expensive Survival Gear You Don’t Need

Not to mention that by following the Amish way, you’ll be able to lower some of your utility bills, save money, and stick it to greedy companies that’ll bleed you dry if you only let them.

Unfortunately, that is still the case for tens of millions of people living from one paycheck to the next. But it is not the case for anyone inside the Amish fold.

And it won’t be for you or your family either from this day forward. By following The Amish Ways, you can also expect to keep a lot of the money you’d dish out for unjustifiably expensive survival gear and gadgets where it belongs—in your wallet. You don’t need any of that and will, in fact, be in much better shape following the low-tech survival approach of the Amish community.

Leave Future Generations of Your Family This Life-Saving Knowledge

This book is not just a survival guide; it’s a precious legacy for future generations of your family.

The Amish Ways will help them during their own hour of need. What I’ve saved inside is truly timeless. And there’s no doubt it will keep working well into the future.

While technology may change and evolve and we become more dependent on it, the basic survival needs of a human being won’t change.

And with The Amish Ways, your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will be able to cover these needs, no matter what future calamity they face.

Look around you. Is the world becoming a safer or more dangerous place? Are we coming together toward the common good of humanity, or are new alliances being formed that foreshadow a great conflict? I think we both see the signs and know the truth. The only thing left is to prepare for what’s coming our way.

Most people are still asleep at the wheel and oblivious to what’s happening to the world. They care more about posting a cool photo on their social media profile than making sure their families won’t starve in the next crisis. Because you’ve stayed with me so far, I know you’re not one of them. And it’s people like you that need to rise to the top of a fallen society. After everything falls apart, it will be survival skills and not titles or money that will make all the difference.

We won’t keep you any longer. You have more than enough information to make a decision, and we can only hope you’ll make the right one not only for yourself but also for the people you love and care about.

If you want to get The Amish Ways and also take advantage of the three gifts—How to Outlive an EMP the Amish Way, Anti-Looter Traps That You Should Make on Your Property, and DIY Projects from the 1900s—while being fully covered by my 60-Day, Keep-the-Book, Money-Back Guarantee, all you need to do is click on the button below now.